Creates a window-all node with optional configuration to the pipeline. This node creates a window to include all the items in the input list, applies the function to the items in the window, and appends the result of the function to the output list.
window_all(input_schema, output_schema, fn, config=None)
input_schema - str or tuple[str]
A column name or all column names of the input list
Each column name in the schema should be a string, containing alphanumerical characters and underscores.
output_schema - str or tuple[str]
A column name or all column names of the output list
Each column name in the schema should be a string, containing alphanumerical characters and underscores.
fn - Operator, lambda, or callable
A function with all items in the input list as the input.
It can be an operator from Towhee Hub, a lambda, or a callable function.
config - dict or None
Optional configuration for the current node.
It defaults to
and can be a dictionary containing the configuration items. See AutoConfig API for details.
A not-callable Pipeline
object with this window-all node appended
from towhee import pipe
p = (pipe.input('n1', 'n2')
.flat_map(('n1', 'n2'), ('n1', 'n2'), lambda x, y: [(a, b) for a, b in zip(x, y)])
.window_all(('n1', 'n2'), ('s1', 's2'), lambda x, y: (sum(x), sum(y)))
.output('s1', 's2'))
p([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]).get() # return [10, 14]